"Stories to Change the World", is running today June 21st. Over 500 storytellers in 34 countries

Annual celebration "Stories to Change the World", is running today June 21st. It is convocated by International Storytelling Network / Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC) www.cuentacuentos.eu . 

Over 500 storytellers in 34 countries on six continents are participating in this big Storytelling Festival: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, India, Italia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.

They are going to tell in schools, thea
ters, cultural centers, street corners, universities, buses, oil platforms, ships, dormitories, train stations, or pubs. Any site is suitable for storytelling. Any time is a proper time for fighting against inequality, injustice, racism and ignorance. That is the meaning, the message and the objective of "Stories to Change the World". And that's what we are counting on you for.

All the gigs are posted on Facebook facebook.com/redinternacionaldecuentacuentos , Twitter, and the blogswww.historiasparacambiarelmundo.blogspot.com and storiestochangetheworld.blogspot.com . 

Together we can make a better world by telling stories. No one can stop us trying. We just have to get the word engine running.
Hugs and tales for you all,


4 comentarios:

  1. Los reyes magos NO eran los padres...Ana María Manceda.

    El olor al Río de La Plata invadía las sospechas, en el calor abrumador del amanecer escuché los ruidos «los camellos deben estar tomando el agua» me mentí. La sombra de mi padre atropelló el árbol de navidad. Todo lo vi. Al abrir el regalo mis ojos preadolescentes se humedecieron de agradecimiento, un maravilloso traje de baño me invitaba a la playa y a esconder en mil llaves la realidad. En la madurez de la vida aún guardo esa época de ilusiones. Gracias a esos traviesos juegos de la imaginación la mente aún puede brillar.

  2. salam berbagi info salam sukses goo.gl/Rmeey3

  3. We can get more information of the world in this article.

    Active Networking Components


International Storytelling Network (RIC) official blog.